Thursley Moat
Path from the Moat to Elstead and Ockley Commons
Above the boggy bits
Best time of year now to see this in flower
Thursley Common has the richest dragonfly fauna in Britain and all the British reptiles
Pudmore Pond
Some brand new boardwalk
Welcome board
Have yet to see these cattle here
Peaceful path
Peaceful woods
Fork Pond
Once the London to Portsmouth Road
....and looking uphill
Old petrol pumps
Former Red Lion
Corrugated building was once a garage. Has old Michelin signs in its windows
Walking through maize
Not too small for me and very quiet even though it's right next to the A3 and the new tunnel area at Hindhead
Brook Cottage
Author: Ann (ID: 12616)
Posted: 2010-09-04 20:15 GMT+00:00
Mileage: 12.99 km
(0 ratings)
Tags: Walking
Views: 2340
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Thursley Moat
Path from the Moat to Elstead and Ockley Commons
Above the boggy bits
Best time of year now to see this in flower
Thursley Common
Thursley Common has the richest dragonfly fauna in Britain and all the British reptiles
Pudmore Pond
Some brand new boardwalk
Welcome board
Have yet to see these cattle here
Peaceful path
Peaceful woods
Fork Pond
Looking downhill
Once the London to Portsmouth Road
....and looking uphill
Old petrol pumps
Former Red Lion
More nostalgia
Corrugated building was once a garage. Has old Michelin signs in its windows
Complete change of scenery
Walking through maize
That'll do
Not too small for me and very quiet even though it's right next to the A3 and the new tunnel area at Hindhead
Brook Cottage
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